Dunken Case

Banner 1)

Clickthrough Rate: >15%

Banner 2, variant 1)

Clickthrough Rate: >16%

Personalized banner

To personalize the experience for their returning customers, Dunken created a personalized banner on the homepage. First time visitors saw a banner with two buttons, leading to the sections for male and female clothing. Depending on the chosen initial category, you got to see an adjusted banner the next time you landed on the homepage, with buttons leading to different categories from the male or female assortments.

Banner 1 had a single variant, for first time visitors, and was meant to segment the next banner for returning visitors. The button choices decided which campaigns to follow up with. 

Banner 2 (variant 1) used a banner with an image of a man, with buttons leading to different categories from the men’s assortments.

Banner 2 (variant 2) used a banner with an image of a woman, with buttons leading to different categories from the women’s assortments.

Dunken Case
Jimmy Gök

Dunken.se Embedded Hero Banner