Exclusive data insights from Triggerbee and 160+ Nordic retailers during Black Week
Number of active Triggerbee campaigns on 163 sites
Daily visitors
Total sessions during Black Week
Average visitor identification rate
+15% YoY
Peak simultaneous visitors (Black Friday)
Sessions on Black Friday
With a whopping total of 41 million sessions (5M/day), it’s clear that the worldwide inflation has not stopped curious shoppers from browsing around for their next exciting purchase.
Identification rate is the percentage-amount of visitors that Triggerbee remembers and recognises. Triggerbee needs to know who a visitor is and their previous browsing and purchase activity in order for you to be able to target them with tailored content.
Triggerbee automatically identifies your visitors when they sign up in a form or click in your emails. This capability enables you to personalize one-to-one communication on your website based on all the attributes in your CRM and purchasing activity.
Visitor statistics
Campaign impressions
Campaign impressions per day during Black Week (on average).
+73% YoY
Total campaign impressions during Black Week
Triggerbee campaigns garnered 69 million total impressions, or 8,6 million per day, during Black Week. During Black Week, all bets are off.
Additionally, a lot of brands saw the value in adding countdown timers, which injects FOMO into your campaigns. Black Week is a limited annual event, making it the perfect opportunity to use timers in pre-launch campaigns and during the whole event.
Daily campaign impressions
Campaign layout distribution
Popup: 38%
(+33% more popups than usual)
Panel: 31% (+58% more panels than usual)
Embedded: 27% (-41% less embeds than usual)
Published campaigns
4 320
Peak live campaigns on Black Friday
3 748
Avg campaigns live during Black Week
Campaign statistics
Signups and conversions
Daily signups (Black Week average)
Total Black Week signups
A massive sale like Black Week is a great opportunity to have visitors sign up to your newsletter or loyalty program. With 222 490 total signups during Black Week this year, Triggerbee’s customers has seen a MASSIVE growth of new newsletter signups, members and contacts.
But it shouldn’t stop there. Keep nurturing your customers even after the event is over. In fact, why not target people who missed out on using their offers even after Black Week is over?
of all campaigns were signup forms
of all campaigns were promotions
Daily signups and conversions
Black Friday Activity
Signups per minute
38 198
Total signups
2 705
Coupon codes copied
Black Friday campaign stats
Average Signup Rate during Black Friday
Average campaign CTR during Black Friday
of campaigns contained a countdown timer
Signups and conversions
Devices used
Mobile sessions during Black Week
Desktop sessions during Black Week
The absolute majority of activity during Black Week and Black Friday happened on a mobile device.
It’s interesting to see how the mobile traffic spiked on Black Friday, while the desktop traffic barely increased in comparison.
Sessions per device
Grow your holiday sales with onsite personalization
Triggerbee is a personalization software that lets you build and publish promotions, forms, surveys, and referral campaigns on your website – all in one tool. Use website behaviour, CRM data, and location to target your messages to individual customers for maximum impact.