Flowlife’s Easter Egg Hunt

Conversion Rate on Desktop
Conversion Rate on Mobile

⚡ Key results

During Easter, Flowlife wanted to gather email signups through an engaging Easter-themed onsite campaign.

How they did it

Customers and visitors were able to take part in a digital egg hunt on Flowlife’s website. Flowlife used Triggerbee to create two separate campaigns, one for mobile and another for desktop, where participants would search for eggs hidden across the website (embedded).

Only by signing up with your email address, did you gain access to the hunt. Every egg contained a clue about the next one and the participants were also registered for a raffle, with a Flowlife product of their choosing as the prize.

The results of these campaigns were 10.83% on the desktop campaign and 6.41% on mobile.

Flowlife also arranged a more traditional egg hunt, with 6 eggs hidden around Stockholm containing training & recovery products. Hints about the eggs’ whereabouts were shared on the Instagram account.

Flowlife's Easter Egg Hunt
Jimmy Gök

⚙️ Main Features Used

  • Signup popup
  • Embedded campaigns (eggs)
  • Device targeting

🎯 Targeting

  • All visitors
  • Desktop & Mobile variants

Flowlife’s Easter Egg Hunt

"We at Flowlife are very pleased with our egg hunt that we created on Triggerbee’s platform. Creating engagement in the digital atmosphere is not an easy task, but we are very pleased with the result."
Valter Arnborg
E-Commerce Manager


Health, Wellness & Fitness


2 Countries

