The challenge
Golfamore offers a membership card that lets members play at 1300 golf clubs and courses across Europe at a reduced fee. They wanted to make their onsite experience more personal for certain visitors by showing them promotions tailored to their local areas. This would help engage users by making the content more relevant to their specific region.
How they did it
Golfamore started by creating audiences in Triggerbee using a regional geolocation filter. Then, they designed the promotional banners using an embedded layout to show different promotions to visitors based on their location.
On their homepage, Golfamore added an empty HTML section and tagged it with a unique CSS class. This setup allowed Golfamore to insert their embedded campaigns on a fixed location on the website, without having to edit the page content itself.
This method makes sure visitors see deals that are relevant to their area, making the promotions more effective. It also allows Golfamore to easily update and manage these promotions, keeping the content fresh and engaging.