Nordic Nest Black Week Signup Popup

Click-through Rate

⚡ Key results

Nordic Nest wanted to encourage unregistered users to become members during Black Week.

How they did it
They made a Black Week-themed popup in Triggerbee, which pushed visitors to the signup page. By targeting non-members on the site with the Black Week registration offer (500 bonus points), they were able to direct thousands of visitors to the signup page to become new members.

Nordic Nest Black Week Signup Popup

Felix is a self-taught marketer and the head of marketing at Triggerbee. He is specialized in SEO, content marketing and copywriting. Outside of work you can find him playing with his son, listening to podcasts, or watching documentaries.

⚙️ Main Features Used

  • Popup template

🎯 Targeting

  • Device targeting
  • Unidentified visitors

Nordic Nest Black Week Signup Popup

"We went live with the customer club three weeks before Black Friday and with the help of Triggerbee we managed to capture a lot of new members, who also quickly came back and made a new purchase with us."
Matthias Evelönn
Head of Consumer Insight & Retention

Nordic Nest

Interior design


17 Countries

